Why You May Deserve Compensation If Your Child Has Cerebral Palsy

In many cases, cerebral palsy is preventable and is caused by medical malpractice. If you have a child who is suffering from cerebral palsy, you should consider filing a lawsuit against the practicing physician responsible. 

Understanding Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy can lead to issues with muscle coordination, posture, and movement. The symptoms usually arrive shortly after birth. There may have been an administrative error that led to a preexisting condition not being identified, which then lead to the development of cerebral palsy. Another issue is when a medical professional failed to identify that the fetus was struggling in the womb.

Early on in a pregnancy, doctors perform several tests to identify genetic or congenital defects. Parents should be promptly informed about any concerning results from tests performed on their unborn children. If a doctor fails to perform this, the parents might be able to pursue a wrongful life claim because they were not given adequate information to determine whether to terminate the pregnancy.

Causes of Cerebral Palsy

One reason why a fetus might develop cerebral palsy is because of the development of maternal infections. It's important that medical professionals identify a maternal infection as soon as possible because it must be be addressed immediately. In some cases, the induction of labor can prevent cerebral palsy or lessen its symptoms. Also, the medical professionals might have failed to properly treat your baby after birth, which lead to the development of cerebral palsy. 

Improper Medications

In some cases, cerebral palsy can be the result of using the wrong type of medication. They may have used medication that is dangerous to the mother or child. The medical team might not have taken into consideration the potential adverse effects as a result of the mother taking other medications. The wrong dosage might have been filled or the pharmacy might have filled the wrong dosage. 

Failing to Meet Standards of Medical Care

The medical care that the mother receives must meet the medical standard of care. For example, the necessary treatments must have occurred within a reasonable time frame. Also, if the mother has experienced a prolonged labor, he or she must be given proper assistance.

If you believe that your child was the victim of medical malpractice, you should get in contact with a personal injury attorney who is specialized in this area of law. You deserve compensation for the medical bills you must pay to care for your child alongside the pain and suffering this might cause. 
