A Whiplash Injury From a Car Accident Can Last Longer Than You Think

You might feel like your car accident was relatively minor, but after the accident, you may experience the symptoms of whiplash. This can cause symptoms that can last for weeks. As a result, you will want to make sure that you seek compensation for your accident if the other driver is at fault.

Why Whiplash Can Be Disabling

Your head and neck might suddenly jolt forward after an accident. This movement can cause damage to your neck and nerves. This can affect the movement of your arms neck, and hands.

As a result, you might be forced to take time off from work to recover and you might be entitled to compensation for lost wages. You will need to work carefully with a law firm to make sure that your lost wages are fully calculated.

Debilitating Symptoms of Whiplash

In addition to being entitled to compensation for lost wages and medical bills, you will also be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering. You may experience dizziness, headaches, and tingling numbness in your arms. Make sure to write down the symptoms you have experienced because they will play a role in your claim.

To be able to receive compensation for your injuries, you will need to prove that the other driver was at fault for the accident. However, this can be difficult to do without the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer. This type of professional will know where to look to find evidence that the other driver was at fault for your accident and caused your whiplash injury.

How to Prove Negligence

With some accidents, proving negligence is very simple. For instance, if the driver collided with your vehicle from behind, they would be responsible for the accident in most cases. However, if liability is in dispute, you will need to gather evidence to prove that the other driver was at fault.

Your personal injury attorney may be able to track down witnesses who saw your accident. For example, your attorney may be able to put out an advertisement in the paper or on social media that you are looking for witnesses to come forward. There are various other forms of evidence you can rely on such as:

  • Debris at the scene of the accident
  • Surveillance footage from a nearby business
  • The cell phone records of the other driver
  • Any statements made by the driver

By being able to build a solid case for why the other driver was at fault for the accident, you'll be able to receive compensation for your whiplash injury. Call a local personal injury attorney to learn more. 
