Auto Accidents: Why Should You Seek Immediate Medical Care?

If your auto accident didn't cause any visible injuries or notable pain, you may choose to go home rather than seek medical care. You may even decide to file an auto accident claim against the other driver. But even if you don't feel hurt or harmed by your ordeal, you should still seek medical care immediately after your accident. Learn why you should seek immediate medical care after your auto accident below.

What's Happening Inside Your Body?

Although most auto accident injuries can be visible enough to spot right way, some bodily injuries may not be so easy to see or feel. Some injuries can cause deep lacerations in your internal organs and tissues. Internal lacerations can be dangerous and even life threatening.

Blunt trauma is one of the things that can cause internal lacerations and bleeding. Blunt trauma occurs when you strike your body against something hard, such as your car's steering wheel or dashboard. The impact can tear, slice through, or crush the blood vessels inside your organs. The injured vessels may open up and leak blood out of your tissues.

If you suffer from internal lacerations, you may not feel any pain or discomfort right away. However, some symptoms may manifest some time after you leave the accident and return home. The symptoms may include severe body pain, nausea, swelling. 

Even if you don't feel any of the symptoms above, you still want to see a medical doctor soon. The medical care you receive now can help you get the funding you need to pay for your injuries later.

How Do You Document Your Medical Care?

You want to see a doctor who specializes in auto accidents, such as an emergency room physician or an urgent care doctor. The doctors can order and complete internal exams on your abdomen, chest, head, and neck. Doctors may also examine the bones in your back, hips, and legs for injuries.

You want to request documentation of your exam immediately, including images from your X-rays. Patients can request copies of their exams and other medical care if they need them. Keep the documentation in a safe place, then contact a car accident lawyer right away.

A lawyer will need to verify the information in your documents before they file a car accident claim for you. An attorney may call the doctors' offices directly, or they may send their requests through the mail. After a lawyer verifies your information, they'll pursue your claim.

If you need help seeking medical care for your accident, call an attorney today. A firm like Graves Edward M III Law Office has more information.
