What You Need To Know Before Suing The Government After Slipping Or Tripping On A Sidewalk

Sidewalks can sometimes be very dangerous, especially if they're poorly maintained or slippery. Such slip hazards can cause serious harm that takes time to heal or leaves you with huge financial losses. As a result, you should consider suing the wrongdoers to get a payment for your losses. That said, you must note that pursuing a lawsuit against the government can be difficult. Regardless of your evidence, you must hire a personal injury law attorney to pursue the claim. They will want you to understand the following facts about the process.     

You Have to Identify the Wrongdoers

When you suffer significant physical injury when walking or running on a sidewalk, your primary goal is to identify the wrongdoer. Doing so will let you know who to hold accountable and who to build a case against. The parties to blame can include the business owner near the sidewalk, the premise owner, or the state. An attorney can identify one or all mentioned parties responsible for your injuries and pursue legal action against them. In such a case, multiple parties could be liable for your injuries. Your legal advisor will ensure that each culprit compensates you for their percentage of fault. The government should offer compensation if they are to blame for a slipping hazard they are supposed to handle.

You Can Sue and Win Against the State

Pursuing the government in a court case can prove challenging. This is so because the state enjoys immunity against certain lawsuits. That said, you can still sue and win, especially if you hire a legal advisor to represent you. They will take advantage of the state regulations that allow you the right to sue the government in certain situations. Your legal advisor will then get information proving that the state failed to take measures to protect those using the sidewalk. They will then represent you in court, table evidence, and argue your case. This will convince the judge that the state failed in its duty to protect its residents. They will also show that you suffered injustice and deserve compensation. 

There are very slim chances of winning a case against the government after a fall on a sidewalk. However, a slip-and-fall accident lawyer can pursue a successful lawsuit against the state to ensure you get paid for your losses. The expert will conduct a comprehensive investigation and gather compelling evidence to prove your case. This will help hold the state accountable for your injuries.

Contact a local law firm, such as Smith Law Firm, LLC, to learn more. 
