Sexually Transmitted Disease: A Very Personal Injury

No one really expects to be affected by a sexually transmitted disease (STD) like genital herpes, but it apparently happens quite often. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that about 1 in 6 people are already infected with the genital herpes virus, so you might encounter it sooner or later. While using a barrier method is nearly 100% effective at stopping the transmission of this disease, it still seems to be spreading like wildfire. [Read More]

A Second Chance: Your Personal Injury Appeal

When you've been hurt by another party, whether it in a car accident or by a negligent business, you are entitled to seek justice in the form of monetary compensation. The road to obtain this compensation is not always straight and you may encounter a few roadblocks and detours along the way. When you and your personal injury attorney have put forth your best effort but you were left with a loss in court, you should realize that it may not be over for you. [Read More]

What Is Substantial Gainful Activity And How Does It Affect Your Income?

For those unable to work because of a medical condition, the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers a monthly benefit program. As long as you qualify, you can get paid not to work, but the amount is not meant to totally replace your previous salary or really any salary you've earned in the past. This financial deficit prompts many recipients to take on other work to make ends meet. Read on to find out why that may be a problem and how to avoid it. [Read More]

Don't Worry, You're Covered

When it comes to work-related injuries or illnesses, most people automatically think of a sudden accident that happens in manufacturing or in the construction industry. The truth is that workers' compensation insurance coverage extends much further than most people expect, and knowing about these relatively unusual situations could mean the difference between getting benefits and not. You may have to take action and be assertive when it comes to workplace injuries, so read on to learn more about some of the more uncommon workers' comp situations. [Read More]